NutriGuard™, Topazium’s AI tool to harness the healthy benefits of food, has been selected as a finalist for the Awards category: BEST HEALTH DATA-DRIVEN INNOVATION at #DES2023*! NutriGuard™ purpose is to promote and preserve health by using deep learning techniques applied to different sources of information. On the one hand, it takes all available information about the effects of certain molecules on human cells. Using state-of-the-art neural networks, it explores this information in depth, focusing in particular on how these molecules affect different cell signalling pathways and, ultimately, the physiological outcome that this causes. It also examines the chemical characteristics of the molecules to create a virtual representation that condenses this information. A similar strategy is then followed with the molecular components of food. Finally, NutriGuard™ combines all elements of information to finally link food composition to physiological effects based on both available information and plausible inferences derived from the molecular characteristics of food components.
As a consequence of its performance, NutriGuard™ can identify the most likely physiological effects that can be elicited by a given food, considering its molecular components. It can also identify the most appropriate foods that an individual should consume to achieve a specific beneficial effect, i.e. a pre-defined “nutritional target”. Based on the detection of recommended foods and ingredients by the algorithmic framework, a generative artificial intelligence system recommends recipes that users can utilize to improve their nutrition in a personalised way.The ultimate goal of this nutritional target may simply be to lead a healthy lifestyle.
* DES#2023 is considered one of the most important in the world in exponential technologies which brought together more than 16,000 participants.