Predicting disease progression and mortality in metastatic colorectal cancer patients (mCRC) through an artificial intelligence-based analytical tool

Background: Predicting the clinical course of metastatic disease remains a key challenge in CRC. Estimating prognosis of these late-stage patients can avoid undertreatment or overtreatment and also guide the follow-up intensity. This study has investigated the ability of an artificial intelligence-based analytical tool to identify those mCRC patients with high risk of disease progression and…

Deep Neural Frameworks Improve the Accuracy of General Practitioners in the Classification of Pigmented Skin Lesions

This study evaluated whether deep learning frameworks trained in large datasets can help non-dermatologist physicians improve their accuracy in categorizing the seven most common pigmented skin lesions. Open-source skin images were downloaded from the International Skin Imaging Collaboration (ISIC) archive. Different deep neural networks (DNNs) (n = 8) were trained based on a random dataset…

Artificial intelligence: a disruptive tool for a smarter medicine

Although highly successful, the medical R&D model is failing at improving people’s health due to a series of flaws and defects inherent to the model itself. A new collective intelligence, incorporating human and artificial intelligence (AI) could overcome these obstacles. Because AI will play a key role in this new collective intelligence, it is necessary…